At this time, plants are only available for in-store pickup at our Fircrest and Gig Harbor locations.

Cascade Tropicals Plants Tradescantia tricolor Pink Princess - Inch Plant
Cascade Tropicals Plants Tradescantia tricolor Pink Princess - Inch Plant

Tradescantia tricolor 'Pink Princess' - Inch Plant

Tradescantia tricolor 'Pink Princess' - Inch Plant

Regular price $ 14.00
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Tradescantia tricolor 'Pink Princess' is a stunning plant that is easy to care for. What sets this plant apart from others in its family is the slightly pink variegation. Like other Tradescantia, keep this plant in bright, indirect light (brighter light helps keep the unique variegation of this variety). If your plant is getting leggy, simply pinch off the stem and place in a brighter spot - it will soon fill in where it was pruned, and the cutting can even be propagated. 

Humidity: Try to maintain 40% relative humidity or higher. If leaf tips turn brown, the air is too dry. 

Botanical Name: Tradescantia tricolor 'Pink Princess'

LIGHT: Bright, indirect light. Long spaces between leaves are caused by too little light. Pinch off leggy stems and move your plant to a brighter spot. Leaves will also lose their variegation if they don't get enough light.

WATER: Keep soil evenly moist in the growing season, slightly drier in winter. Stems that look wilted may be a sign of root rot. Cut off any withered stems and allow potting mix to dry out a bit between waterings.

TOXICITY: Non-toxic to pets or humans.

WE DO NOT SHIP PLANTS. Free local pickup in Fircrest or Gig Harbor!

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